You searched for: " model"

10 tools found.

Business Model Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The business model canvas is a great tool to help you understand a business model in a straightforward, structured way.

Persona Canvas
± 30 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 5 people

The persona canvas can be used to give a customer segment a face and name and make it easier to step into the shoes of the customer.

War Room Checklist
± 120 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 15 people

Having a ‘war room’ where the team can get together and see progress will boost productivity and efficiency tremendously.

Riskiest Assumption Canvas
± 45 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

How do you know you’re making the right bet with your idea? Which bets does the success of your idea hinge on? These are your riskiest assumptions.

Blank Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The blank canvas is, as the name says, empty. It is a blank slate for you to fill. Use it to make your own canvas.

Wall Of Ideas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

The purpose of this tool is to fill up an entire wall with the ideas generated by a team in a short amount of time.

Validation Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

With your experiments in place, it’s time to start testing them and tracking the progress over time.

Prototype Canvas
± 90 minutes
4 / 5
3 - 5 people

Simply put, prototyping is the art and science of faking it before making it, where 'it' refers to an innovative product or service. Prototyping is used to make value propositions tangible and concrete.

Investment Readiness Level
± 15 minutes
5 / 5
3 - 5 people

With the Investment Readiness Level, you now have a way to quantify the progress of a product, project, or company to help you make investment decisions, whether you’re a team leader, manager, or investor.

Design Criteria Canvas
± 45 minutes
3 / 5
3 - 5 people

Whether you’re designing a new Value Proposition, Business Model, or even an entire strategy for the future, design criteria form the principles and benchmarks of the change you’re after.




